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  • Grieshaber

Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia

When her MMA fighter boyfriend pushes her down the stairs after she confronts him about his steroid use, Peyton’s world is thrown into the biggest tailspin since her father died in Afghanistan a little over a year ago. Earlier that day, she got word that she’ll be playing soccer at her dream college. Now that her knee is busted, she’s in jeopardy of losing her spot and her dream of playing pro soccer. And now that her EX-boyfriend (good girl, Peyton) is stalking her, and accusing her of lying about his pushing her down the stairs, she no longer feels safe in her hometown. Mom takes her to live with her uncle and his twin boys the same age as Peyton. Peyton immediately fits in at her new high school. She has instant friends in the twins and their friends (and instant enemies, too). Her favorite new friend is the hottest guy in school - Owen Law. The attraction between the two of them is instant but she needs to concentrate on rehabbing her knee, not a new relationship. When she discovers Owen trains at the same place she rehabs, it’s yet just another sign that the two of them should be together. She doesn’t want Owen to know the truth about her knee (she doesn’t want anyone to know and see her as a victim) and it turns out that Owen has some secrets of his own. And Peyton has not seen the last of her ex-boyfriend . . . Not just romance and ex-boyfriend drama in this one - lots of fighting (MMA, underground, and good ol’ fashion fist fights) and surprises in this one, too.

It was awesome to have Kami Garcia visit the Ft. Zumwalt West High Library (home of your lit librarians) on Tuesday, Febuary 13!

Kami Garcia, autographing books and chatting with FZW students

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